WEBVTT 00:00:08.080 --> 00:00:09.960 I’m somebody who's not a China scholar 00:00:09.960 --> 00:00:12.080 I did not study China before I got here 00:00:12.080 --> 00:00:13.680 So it was all brand new to me 00:00:13.680 --> 00:00:16.880 And Shanghai is an amazing city that 00:00:16.880 --> 00:00:21.320 Embraces you, it actually engulfs you, and the exciting cultural experience here 00:00:22.760 --> 00:00:26.440 NYU Shanghai is the classic example of an NYU program 00:00:26.440 --> 00:00:31.480 Its school is fabulous in this building and it's very cozy and compact 00:00:31.480 --> 00:00:33.920 And you'll feel very comfortable while you're in the building 00:00:33.920 --> 00:00:36.400 It allows you the kind of base to go out 00:00:36.400 --> 00:00:39.720 And expand yourself and experience all aspects of the city 00:00:39.720 --> 00:00:41.920 Whether it’s in arts whether it’s in culture 00:00:41.920 --> 00:00:45.600 Just being in and among the people of Shanghai is really a fabulous experience 00:00:45.600 --> 00:00:51.000 And the base here at NYU Shanghai gives you that confidence and the ability to go out 00:00:51.000 --> 00:00:55.200 And experience the city with all its magnificent things that it has to offer towards you 00:00:58.680 --> 00:01:00.520 The courses that we offer at Shanghai 00:01:00.520 --> 00:01:06.960 Are based in the Chinese culture and tradition and the contemporary world that we find here 00:01:06.960 --> 00:01:12.600 Since we connect between Shanghai, China, and the global culture 00:01:13.240 --> 00:01:16.600 In NYU Shanghai, what’s most important is dialogue 00:01:16.600 --> 00:01:18.360 A dialogue between you 00:01:18.360 --> 00:01:20.560 Yourself to the society 00:01:20.560 --> 00:01:23.080 And dialogue between different cultures 00:01:23.400 --> 00:01:27.440 And dialogue between aesthetics and social practice 00:01:28.800 --> 00:01:34.840 Shikumen is a very typical architecture but not only for its function as a house 00:01:34.840 --> 00:01:36.080 It’s really, it’s a culture 00:01:36.080 --> 00:01:39.880 During development, so the Shikumen are being torn down 00:01:39.880 --> 00:01:46.280 We use traditional forms like ink rubbing making a cardboard dipping it in ink 00:01:46.280 --> 00:01:51.560 Traced on the rice paper in front of those old stones 00:01:51.560 --> 00:01:54.840 Bricks from the Shanghai Shikumen hundred years 00:01:57.480 --> 00:01:59.880 We have a variety of different music courses 00:01:59.880 --> 00:02:01.640 We have a lot of applied music 00:02:02.160 --> 00:02:05.440 We have guzhen, erhu, bamboo flute 00:02:05.880 --> 00:02:10.520 We also teach piano in group lessons and at three different levels 00:02:10.520 --> 00:02:12.880 Intermediate, beginner, and advanced 00:02:12.880 --> 00:02:15.720 And we also teach private lessons in piano 00:02:15.720 --> 00:02:19.520 We have private voice, we have group voice, we have chorale 00:02:19.520 --> 00:02:23.520 In the fall of 2019, we will have a select vocal ensemble 00:02:24.160 --> 00:02:25.480 We have a chamber orchestra 00:02:25.480 --> 00:02:29.400 And in the fall of 2019 will have a select instrumental ensemble 00:02:29.400 --> 00:02:33.120 And the select ensemble will be reserved for the better students 00:02:38.160 --> 00:02:41.880 We teach four classes here in NYU Shanghai regarding dance 00:02:41.880 --> 00:02:43.160 First is ballet 00:02:43.160 --> 00:02:44.880 Second is contemporary dance 00:02:44.880 --> 00:02:46.920 Third is choreography and performance 00:02:46.920 --> 00:02:49.680 And our last class is Chinese minority and folk dance 00:02:50.440 --> 00:02:54.840 We have many study away students who spend their year here taking only dance classes 00:02:55.000 --> 00:02:56.240 And we also have many students 00:02:56.240 --> 00:03:00.560 Who throughout the matriculation at NYU Shanghai minor in the dance program 00:03:01.360 --> 00:03:04.520 Part of the dance program is being able to perform in public 00:03:05.120 --> 00:03:07.080 At the end of the year, for every semester 00:03:07.080 --> 00:03:10.120 All dance classes perform together for a live audience 00:03:10.720 --> 00:03:12.880 We also have a series called “Dance for Camera” 00:03:12.880 --> 00:03:15.200 This is where any student can volunteer 00:03:15.200 --> 00:03:16.920 And help us create a piece of work 00:03:17.280 --> 00:03:22.840 Involving dance in the museum, on the street, inside different communities 00:03:22.840 --> 00:03:24.520 And even inside monasteries 00:03:24.960 --> 00:03:28.000 It's a very life changing experience for some of our students 00:03:28.880 --> 00:03:32.480 我在上海纽约大学教授中国民族民间舞蹈课 00:03:32.480 --> 00:03:36.640 这是纽约大学唯一的一门中国民族民间舞蹈课程 00:03:36.640 --> 00:03:42.880 包括维吾尔族、朝鲜族、藏族、蒙古族 00:03:42.880 --> 00:03:49.160 帮助来自世界各地的学生了解和融入到中国少数民族舞蹈文化当中 00:03:53.320 --> 00:03:56.440 IMA is an undergraduate program here at NYU Shanghai 00:03:56.440 --> 00:03:58.760 IMA stands for Interactive Media Arts 00:03:59.280 --> 00:04:04.160 So a lot of our classes are centered around the intersection of art 00:04:04.160 --> 00:04:05.720 Design, and technology 00:04:05.720 --> 00:04:09.320 And we have a lot of classes which are kind of thing with new media 00:04:09.320 --> 00:04:14.080 So in the past we've had students kind of come from all across the NYU network 00:04:14.080 --> 00:04:15.680 Including students from Tisch 00:04:15.680 --> 00:04:19.080 They have taken classes in our Interaction Lab 00:04:19.080 --> 00:04:23.640 As well as our Communication Lab which are foundation classes at IMA 00:04:23.640 --> 00:04:27.840 We've also had students take classes in design 00:04:27.840 --> 00:04:31.120 Like Design Thinking as well as other classes 00:04:32.800 --> 00:04:34.760 I am a senior at NYU 00:04:34.760 --> 00:04:39.120 I usually study at the New York campus and I’m in the drama department 00:04:39.120 --> 00:04:41.560 This is my only semester in NYU Shanghai 00:04:41.600 --> 00:04:43.960 I have been here for the past couple of months 00:04:44.000 --> 00:04:49.000 The most of what I'm studying is in the Interactive Media Arts department or IMA for short 00:04:49.000 --> 00:04:50.840 The main class that I'm working with here 00:04:50.840 --> 00:04:54.800 Is the Realtime Audiovisual Performance Systems class 00:04:54.800 --> 00:04:57.720 Which is a mouthful or RAPS for short 00:04:57.720 --> 00:05:03.200 And that's a lot about projection and creating sounds and projection on the computer 00:05:05.040 --> 00:05:06.480 The accommodations are really nice 00:05:06.480 --> 00:05:11.280 I actually have a really really big room, like bigger than my New York spaces 00:05:11.280 --> 00:05:14.480 So I'm very comfortable and it's very convenient 00:05:14.480 --> 00:05:17.360 There's a bus that goes back and forth like constantly 00:05:18.640 --> 00:05:21.000 So one of my favorite things about this campus is that 00:05:21.000 --> 00:05:23.520 It's a lot smaller than the New York campus 00:05:23.520 --> 00:05:25.880 Just physically it's all in one building 00:05:25.880 --> 00:05:29.960 As opposed to spread out and that's been so wonderful 00:05:29.960 --> 00:05:31.400 It's a much smaller community 00:05:31.400 --> 00:05:34.440 You like see all of the same people all of the time 00:05:34.440 --> 00:05:36.160 And even if you don't know someone 00:05:36.160 --> 00:05:38.640 You'll see them like three times in a week 00:05:38.640 --> 00:05:40.200 And you'll get to know them that way 00:05:40.640 --> 00:05:44.200 And then besides that it's just very academically focused here 00:05:44.200 --> 00:05:45.200 Not that New York isn't 00:05:45.200 --> 00:05:49.680 But here it's like everyone is taking all of their work really seriously 00:05:49.680 --> 00:05:52.160 The classes are extremely challenging 00:05:52.160 --> 00:05:56.480 But in a way where it feels like there's a bunch of different support systems 00:05:56.480 --> 00:05:59.440 Like there's language center. There's the writing center 00:05:59.440 --> 00:06:03.880 So even as I feel like I have more work than maybe I've ever had in college 00:06:03.880 --> 00:06:08.120 There's also a bunch of systems in place that are helping me deal with all of those things 00:06:18.080 --> 00:06:21.880 Welcome to NYU Shanghai in particular. We are so happy to have you here!