姜以琳 (Yi-Lin Chiang)

姜以琳 (Yi-Lin Chiang)


      姜教授的著作《学神:中国精英教育现场一手观察》(Study Gods: How the New Chinese Elite Prepare for Global Competition)(普林斯顿大学出版社)荣获美国社会学协会教育学分会2023年皮埃尔·布尔迪厄教育社会学最佳图书奖(Pierre Bourdieu Award)。



  • Chiang, Yi-Lin and Hyunjoon Park. 2023. "Three Decades of Educational Differentials in Attitude toward Divorce in Taiwan, 1985-2015." Asian Population Studies 19(1): 22–39.

  • Chiang, Yi-Lin. 2022. Study Gods: How the New Chinese Elite Prepare for Global Competition. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

  • Chiang, Yi-Lin. 2021. "Exams or Applications? Elite Taiwanese Students’ Perceptions and Navigation of College Admissions Systems.” The International Journal of Comparative Sociology 63(1-2):30-50.

  • Chiang, Yi-Lin. 2018. “When Things Don't Go as Planned: Cultural Capital and Parental Strategies for Elite College Enrollment.” Comparative Education Review 62(4): 503-521.

  • Chiang, Yi-Lin and Hyunjoon Park. 2015. “Do Grandparents Matter? A Multi-generational Perspective on Educational Attainment in Taiwan.” Social Science Research 51: 163-173.



  • 宾夕法尼亚大学 社会学博士
  • 宾夕法尼亚大学 社会学硕士
  • 芝加哥大学 社会科学硕士
  • 台湾大学 人类学学士
  • 教育社会学
  • 家庭社会学
  • 社会分层
  • 精英研究
  • 中国社会