Man Xu

Man Xu
Assistant Professor of Practice in Public Policy, NYU Shanghai

Man Xu is an Assistant Professor of Practice in Public Policy at NYU Shanghai. Xu received her Ph.D. in public affairs from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota, with a concentration in Public Policy, and a Population Studies minor at the Minnesota Population Center. After completed her training at Minnesota, she moved to Abu Dhabi, and worked as a postdoctoral research associate in Social Research and Public Policy at NYU Abu Dhabi. 

Broadly, Xu’s research aims to advance a greater understanding of racial/ethnic and class inequality and their intersections over the life course. She studies inequalities and disparities in labor market outcomes, foster care and incarceration, family formation, and mortality. Xu’s work is interdisciplinary. She combines methodological approaches from public policy, economics, and demography.


Select Publications

  • William A. Darity, J., Hamilton, D., Samuel L. Myers, J., Price, G. N., and Xu, M. (2022). Racial differences in time at work not working. ILR Review,


  • Samuel L. Myers, J., Sabol, W. J., and Xu, M. (2021). Determinants of racial disparities in female incarceration rates, 2000–2018. The Review of Black Political Economy, page 00346446211051078.

  • Deng, S., Lai, Y., Myers, S. L., and Xu, M. (2021). Foundation giving and economics research productivity at HBCUS: Empirical evidence from the Koch foundation. Journal of Economics, Race, and Policy, 4(4):215–236.

  • Myers Jr, S. L. and Xu, M. (2019). The effects of dbe goals on bid success rates. Journal of Management Policy and Practice, 20(5).

  • Nanney, M. S., Myers, S. L., Xu, M., Kent, K., Durfee, T., and Allen, M. L. (2019). The economic benefits of reducing racial disparities in health: the case of Minnesota. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,16(5):742.



  • PhD, Public Affairs
    Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota (2021)

  • MPP
    Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota (2016)


Research Interests

  • Policy Analysis

  • Racial Inequality

  • Social Equity

  • Race and Ethnic Relations

  • Economic Demography

  • Marriage and Family Structure

  • Retreat from Marriage