NYU Shanghai Community Shares Resolutions for 2021


Happy New Year!  A new year means new beginnings and new resolutions. Here’s what some of our students, faculty and staff have planned for this new year:






“My new year's resolution is to improve my Chinese--I've been saying this for some time now, but I'm going to really try this year.” - Raymond Ro, Assistant Dean of Business, Clinical Assistant Professor of Business




“My 2021 Resolution: Less smiling to please others; More asserting myself, my feelings & needs. Less eating compulsively; More reading for recharging and self-learning. Less slouching and staring at the computer screen for long hours; More stretching & eye exercising.”- Joyce Tan, NYU Shanghai Diversity Initiatives 





“My New Year’s resolution is to become a better cook, especially Shanghainese and Chinese food such as soup dumplings and braised beef in soy sauce!” - Alexander Cleavland ’22

“My resolutions for this year are: welcome our international students home to Shanghai and share insights and perspectives with friends from different backgrounds, cultures and languages; have a thorough idea about my self-designed honors major in visual poetics and achieve that major; produce one well-crafted poetry collection and interdisciplinary project on experimental theatre dance; read poems in Spanish and learn elementary Greek; stay disciplined in keeping notes of inspiration and have an awareness of body and movement.”  - Wenxin Tang ’23


“I think everyone has low standards for this year after all that’s happened around the world. But with all the hardships endured, we must continue to move forward and put out our best efforts in everything we do every day. This is the type of energy and mindset that I will bring into this new year. I will strive to meditate every morning of 2021 to start my day off with peace and focus. I will continue to find time to practice violin and guitar and keep music a part of my life. I believe making connections with others is also extremely important, so I will do my best to keep the connections I already have while making new ones with my classmates. I have a feeling 2021 is gonna be a great one! ”  -Pedro Petcov' 24