Imagine Studying Away in Shanghai: Michaella Blemur NYU ’24

Michaella Blemur NYU ’24

Hometown: New York, USA

Major: International Relations

How did you choose your study away site?

I chose my major because I wanted the opportunity to study abroad. I was excited for a new experience. I do enjoy learning languages and had heard that Chinese was one of the hardest! If I was going to learn it eventually, it was best to build a foundation now. So I think these were prime motivators. I looked forward to being immersed in this environment and both studying and practicing Chinese on a daily basis. Here is an opportunity where I could be in an entirely different environment and not only explore but also study intensely in a classroom setting and really hear others' points of view. Being in class [and] encountering and learning [about] so many different perspectives has been so enlightening! Everything is so new. 

What was the best part of studying in Shanghai?

NYU Shanghai. I feel like just the community here has really marked it as a good experience. The study away trips, going to Suzhou, Chinese calligraphy, the events that they have here. And I can always do them with others rather than by myself. I'm always trying to be involved. I'm always trying to go to club meetings and my roommate is also [chef’s kiss] amazing. Bless her heart. I think being a part of the Shanghai Reality Show [was important] as well. I really leaned on my cast for the first few days to help me get the ball rolling. If not for them, I would have stayed in my comfort zone and hung out mainly with the other study away students rather than branch out.

I learned how to ride a bike as well! It was so embarrassing, but I did it for the challenge, and I know that bike riding is a very valuable skill. I'm always thinking about [how] today's pain is tomorrow's strength. So when I first went bike riding, I struggled quite a bit. I ended up getting injured three times but didn't give up! And now I can comfortably ride a bike.

What has been the most challenging part of your experience?

I think my first day, the first week, was the hardest experience I've ever had. Everyone's like, 'It's so easy once you have [it all set up].' Everything's online through your phone–you have Taobao, you have Meituan, you have Wechat, you have Alipay. But none of those were working for me. My first day here, I just wanted some food and the whole day passed and I couldn't get anything, I couldn't use anything. I didn't know how to use the maps or which ones to download, and I didn't know where any convenience stores were located. It was just really, really difficult and I was overwhelmed. It wasn't until like the second or third week that I got Alipay to finally work.

I didn't come in with any strong expectations other than that I would be treated differently as a foreigner and that this would be pretty uncomfortable. Even when I go bike riding to school or take the train, I’m always getting looks. Some of them are with a smile and some of them are... just like neutral, but they don't look away, right? I guess interacting with kids is the best because they try to speak English with me and it's very cute. The school community here has really marked it as a good experience. Otherwise I feel like I would have really focused on how I'm treated when I go outside and that [would have been] unfortunate.

What advice would you give other students about how to make the most out of their study away experience?

Maximize your opportunities. Even if it might be scary or sometimes it might seem intimidating, what helps to know is that you're not alone. There are other people who have similar experiences to you. You can find a community. Additionally, you have a limited time here, [so] if it's not too crazy, I just recommend you just go do it! Try to be active, because that will really help you enjoy the experience rather than staying to yourself.

I think if you take every day as a new blessing, a new opportunity to have new interactions, you can really make the study away time very memorable. It'll take a little bit of sacrifice. But this is the time to maximize your personal growth, because most likely no one here is going to know you, your past, or your background. You can start fresh and bring anything to the table. Be as extra as need be!