Child aggressive behaviors take many different forms. Reactive and proactive aggressions are two forms among many. Reactive aggression usually happens when one is provoked and emotional, thus react in an aggressive way. Proactive aggression happens when one uses aggression to achieve certain goals such as to gain a high status. The Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology published a paper in…
So how easy is it to collect and put together a profile of someone using existing data online?
Barbara Edelstein and Jian-Jun Zhang recently talked about their respective work and collaborations as part of the Faculty Luncheon Speaker Series. Almost as an after thought, they revealed just how must creative energy they bring to their students: this week, Barbara’s artworks just opened in a NY gallery and her solo show will open in Los Angeles in January, Jian-Jun is showing at 2…
Human beings are able to integrate and hold information across time, as well as rapidly and transiently respond to changing stimuli. For instance, to carry a conversation, our brain gets the meaning of words on a very short timescale, it integrates words to understand a sentence on a longer timescale, and finally it must also combine sentences to make sense of paragraphs and whole texts on…
A new entrepreneurship speaker series, organized by Professor Keith Ross, Dean of Engineering and Computer Science, and co-sponsored by the Program for Creativity and Innovation, was launched in September to encourage students to embrace their own ideas and work to realize them. This Friday night (5:00pm, Room 101), the series will feature two CEOs with over 10 years experience in public…