The rapid development of quantum technologies has driven a revolution in related research areas such as quantum computation and communication, and quantum materials. The first prototypes of functional quantum devices are beginning to appear, frequently created using ensembles of atoms, which allow the observation of sensitive, quantum effects, and have important applications in quantum simulation and matter wave interferometry. This modern text offers a self-contained introduction to the fundamentals of quantum atom optics and atomic many-body matter wave systems. Assuming a familiarity with undergraduate quantum mechanics, this book will be accessible for graduate students and early career researchers moving into this important new field. A detailed description of the underlying theory of quantum atom optics is given, before development of the key, quantum, technological applications, such as atom interferometry, quantum simulation, quantum metrology, and quantum computing.
About the Author:
Tim Byrnes is an Assistant Professor of Physics at NYU Shanghai. He is also a Visiting Assistant Professor at the National Institute of Informatics in Tokyo, Japan. He holds a PhD from the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. Professor Byrnes' research interests are in quantum information technologies, condensed matter physics, and AMO (atomic, molecular, optical) physics. Specifically, he is interested in various applications of Bose-Einstein condensates to quantum information. He is also interested in the interface of physics and biology and emergent phenomena.
Ebubechukwu O. Ilo-Okeke is a Postdoctoral Fellow at NYU Shanghai.