A refundable credit balance may result on your student account because of financial aid disbursements, over-payments and/or account adjustments. Before you get any refund, please make sure you have valid bank account information that you wish the refunds to go to in Bursar’s records. If you are not sure about your account info, please contact us to update or add new accounts.
Refund will be processed twice a year before the end of Fall and Spring terms. Refund will be processed on Thursday for approved requests received by the close of business on the previous Friday. Remaining balance after October and March refund deadline will be carried over to the next semester unless students have special requests.
I need to use the credit on my Bursar account to cover some of the living expenses in school. Can I get my refund earlier than the normal refund schedule?
Normally we process the refund twice a year along with all other refunds, however, if you have special situations and need to request an aid advance, you can contact us and get the refund before we process other refunds. Office of the Bursar starts to accept aid advance application after add and drop course deadline of each semester. Please contact us with the reasons of your application and we will then send you the aid advance form. The refund payment will be processed on every Thursday.
If you drop a course or withdraw from the university completely, your tuition and registration fee charges are subject to the university Refund Schedule policy. If you are a financial aid recipient, your refund will not be processed until a calculation is performed to determine the amount of financial aid, if any, you are still eligible to receive.
Academic Year 2024-2025
What if I’m going to withdraw from school, what is the refund schedule for that?
The Refund Schedule below is for students completely withdrawing from all courses during the semester.
Fall 2024 | |
100% of Tuition and course/school based charges | Prior to 09/02/24 |
80% of Tuition only | 09/02/24 - 09/20/24 |
67% of Tuition only | 09/21/24 - 10/08/24 |
NO REFUND | 10/09/24 - Forward |
What if I’m going to drop the classes, what is the refund schedule for that?
The Refund Schedule below is for students who are dropping classes, but will remain enrolled in at least one course.
Fall 2024 | |
100% of Tuition and course/school based charges | Prior to 09/14/24 |
NO REFUND | 09/14/24 and forward |
Academic Year 2023-2024
What if I’m going to withdraw from school, what is the refund schedule for that?
The Refund Schedule below is for students who are completely withdrawing from all courses during the semester.
Fall 2023 | |
100% of Tuition and course/school based charges | Prior to 08/28/23 |
80% of Tuition only | 08/28/23–09/15/23 |
67% of Tuition only | 09/16/23–10/03/23 |
NO REFUND | 10/04/23-forward |
J-Term 2024 | |
100% of Tuition | Before 01/05/24 |
NO REFUND | 01/05/24 and forward |
Spring 2024 | |
100% of Tuition and course/school based charges | Prior to 01/22/24 |
80% of Tuition only | 01/22/24 - 02/10/24 |
67% of Tuition only | 02/11/24 - 02/29/24 |
NO REFUND | 03/01/24 and forward |
Summer 2024 Session I | |
100% of tuition and fees | Prior to 05/25/2024 |
NO REFUND | 05/25/2024 and forward |
Summer 2024 Session II | |
100% of tuition and fees | Prior to 07/06/2024 |
NO REFUND | 07/06/2024 and forward |
What if I’m going to drop the classes, what is the refund schedule for that?
The Refund Schedule below is for students who are dropping classes, but will remain enrolled in at least one course.
Fall 2023 | |
100% of Tuition and course/school based charges | Prior to 09/09/23 |
NO REFUND | 09/09/23 and forward |
Spring 2024 | |
100% of Tuition and course/school based charges | Prior to 02/03/2024 |
NO REFUND | 02/03/2024 and forward |
*Please note for students who study away in global sites, please refer to the below link for refund schedule.